Thursday, December 27, 2012

Gentle Gardening - What's Growing Now?

My little man and I went into the garden this afternoon. He wanted to weed while the weather was cold (in the 60's). I wanted to take pictures to document the glory that is my little garden during this last week of 2012, while many of my family and friends are enjoying a winter wonderland up north.

Representative cluster of grape tomatoes.

There are weeds over there, Mom.

Plotting weeding strategy.

He emerges, victorious, with his trophy.

Peas,basil and green bean.

Overview of trellis area. It's a little crazy.

Green beans are still growing. Mostly.

Giant green bean!

More grape tomatoes! Yum..

1 comment:

  1. Aidan looks like farmer Brown tending his weeds

    Dad from the north


Notes from the Cheerleading Squad: