My hands are getting chafed from my devotion to hand sanitizer and the harsh, bark-like substance schools like to pretend are paper towels. I was down with the flu for two solid, misery-fueled days. My feet are perpetually swollen, my brain is working overtime to remember new students' names, and my partners-in-crime (Guidance and RtI) and I are struggling to keep everyone calm and get our new office ready.
I am tired, and immensely grateful that the Beast* is in final form. The first round of rejections from agents stung more than I expected it to. It takes a little shine of the polished and gleamy pride I feel that I actually wrote the book I wanted to. I waited, did a little more research and a lot of praying and now I'm waiting semi-patiently for my next 5 rejections.
I am eager to get started on Son of Beast**, but I have a complete and total mental block. I can't find the blind faith to assume that the Beast* is going to be published, and it feels... impractical? to start writing book 2 without knowing that book 2 will be needed by the world. For now, I have a couple of smaller projects in mind that are less ambitious. Whether I can get them published or not, they will be useful to my students, and that appeals to me.
My gardens have been all but deserted. A friend with a very green thumb is coming to stay with us for a little while soon, and I hope that will inspire Mr. Smarty Pants and I to action. The puppies seem more like doggies now, and only destroy small amounts of property weekly, which is a vast improvement.
A friend introduced me to couponing, and I am enjoying it and getting good at it, I think.
Mr. Autism has started sixth grade without much trauma. Mr. Smarty Pants began in a gifted classroom, which happens to be taught by a gentleman I graduated from college with. I am very content, and he is making friends and learning stuff.
Life is pretty sweet right now. When I find an agent, it will be super-oh-my-goodness-fantastic.
I can't wait.
*I wish this was the actual title.
**Not the likely title for Book 2, but it sounds catchy, doesn't it?
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