My heart is elsewhere right now.
I am a rare creature for my generation and among my friends. I liked being a stay-at-home mom. I like having the time, and gladly traded the extra responsibilities for it. I miss my garden. I miss my writing binges. I miss hanging clothes out on the line.
I even miss the bean burritos we ate to stretch the grocery dollar a little bit further. (My husband doesn't.)
I miss baking, sewing, and lately, smiling.
I miss writing until my hands went numb. I miss obsessing over plot points, living, breathing, loving the process.
I miss long phone calls with my mother while folding laundry, elaborate dinners, a semi-sparkly house and a cheerful disposition.
I am actively unhappy. I want, I want, I want, like a two year old, and I can't have it, I won't get it, I am otherwise engaged.
I am feeling sorry for myself.
It's time to toughen up, buttercup. Ignore the panic attack, and do your job, handle the next crisis. Rob Peter to pay Paul: trade self-expression and happiness for a little money in the bank.
Five more rejection letters. Each one is both harder and easier to take, simultaneously.
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