Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy happy joy joy

I am very pleased to report that I have finished my second draft of The Beast*. Still feels awesome, although not the ginormous rush that was finishing the first draft.

This time, I am going to very, very, very carefully craft query letters, and be patient.

That's the plan, at least.

I am so anxious/eager to start the final planning for book 2 in the series, but I want to make sure that book 1 is as well-written and tight of a story as I can make it.

I have readers looking at this draft with eagle-eyes. One of the readers is super-critical and very pessimistic about my chances of success. She is my mother. The other reader is one of my best friends and he is super-supportive and helpful. The two balance each other out, mostly.

Tonight I am going to put everything away for now though and relax with my beloved geek.

*Not the actual title, although it is an awesome title.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing your second draft! *throws confetti* That's awesome!

    Also, I’m a new follower— wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :)


Notes from the Cheerleading Squad: