Sunday, August 29, 2010

Clean, Clean, Clean!

My beloved geek is a genius when it comes to reorganizing furniture placement. Last weekend, we cleaned and reorganized his office, and it looks amazing- spacious, masculine but pleasant, efficient and tidy. This weekend we conquered the pit of doom which was the guest bedroom/my office.

It was originally set up to resemble more of a bedroom with a desk tucked in. Now it looks like an office that happens to have a bed in it. My one piece of artwork that I've purchased, a signed print, is centered over my desk, not the bed that's only used a few times a year. I'm not cramped in. I can scoot backwards in my desk chair without bumping a desk! It's not claustrophobic anymore!

It feels like a whole new room, and looks twice as big. The shelves that were over my desk are now in my beloved geek's office, over Mr. Smarty Pants' desk, holding all of his scholastic-type materials and games. My bookcases are organized. The clutter is gone. The tops of the furniture pieces are empty. Even the closet is tidy.

Of course, now you can tell that the trim still needs a second coat of paint and that the closet doors aren't fully painted, but that's okay. We'll get to that.

My office is clean, and looks like an office! I can't wait to get to work on Monday. Maybe I'll even wear "work" clothes, instead of my usual uniform of jean shorts and tank tops...

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