Thursday, June 30, 2011

Love, love, love!

I have fallen in love again!

My beloved geek approves. Mr. Autism is uninterested. Mr. Smarty Pants is thrilled.

What strange madness is this?

Self-watering containers at Wal-Mart for very, very, very reasonable prices.

No more experiments with string, milk jugs and soda bottles! No more gazing longingly at websites with self-watering containers for $50 or more each!

I am so excited.

Given that this is Florida, it is very hard to grow things in containers, especially during a drought. These containers solve this problem. Fill the reservoir- no more worries!

My friends are a little worried about me. I'm a little obsessed. It's okay though. It's distracting me from the shingles.

In the house, since it's 250 degrees outside, I have mesclun mix, simpson elite looseleaf lettuce, and parris island romaine lettuce growing. In hanging planters on the front porch, I have jalapenos and bell peppers. On the table in the backyard, I have cherry tomatoes, big tomatoes (early girl I think), banana peppers, bush beans (x3), rosemary, basil, oregano, cilantro and I'm probably forgetting a couple of other herbs, spinach, and I think that's it.

I need to buy some more containers, you see, because I don't think we'll be planting any beds in the ground this year, at least not until fall, and I've found more seeds I am eager to try. Particularly, there are sweet peas, bush cucumbers, arugula, Swiss chard and summer squash. Also, if the bush beans work in containers, I shall plant more.

When fall/winter comes, it'll be easy enough to switch all the containers to kale, broccoli, and more lettuces. Also, my beloved geek is halfway through the process of installing lights over the kitchen counter. We will put grow lights in them to support my lettuce habit year-round. At a certain point, I'm sure it will save money on produce. In the meanwhile, it doesn't get any more locally grown than your own kitchen/backyard.

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