Friday, June 10, 2011

Getting Ready for Vacation is a Full Time Job

It's time for our annual trip to Marco Island with my parents! We leave tomorrow, so of course Mr. Smarty Pants has a mild case of the sniffles. It could be either an earache starting or just allergies, leaving me with the conundrum of whether to take him to the doctor or leave it alone. If I don't take him to the doctor, it will get worse. If I do take him to the doctor, the doctor will wonder why I am taking him in, since he isn't sick enough to go to the doctor right now. Fun times.

Mr. Autism is ready to go! He has been dragging around a suitcase for a week now. What does an autistic 10 year old pack? 2 bathing suits, a few bottles of water and fruit snacks. He's ready to go.

I am scrambling to finish the laundry so I can pack, clean the guest room/my office for my mother who will be staying in it, get the rest of the house clean(er) so I don't come back from vacation to a mess, and what feels like 600 other things: oil change, getting the pets ready for the pet sitter, mail, etc.

Now that I am home for my summer "vacation", all the household stuff is back in my lap. The only big problem I have with that is that I could really use a little break after teaching since November, and both boys are home with me all day so it's not really easy to catch up on housework and get things clean going forward. I don't have any "me" time right now, and I'm really hoping when my mother comes I get some.

I want to finish my book. If she will help watch the kids so I can write, I will not complain, no matter how many spoons she uses in one day.

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