Wednesday, July 17, 2013


My experimental carrots worked out well! They were a little short and funky looking, but we're okay with that in this house. I'm 95% sure it's because I didn't work the soil deep enough and the carrots couldn't punch through the ground well enough to achieve their full glory.

My beloved geek loves carrots. Notice that grin!


Mr. Smarty Pants is also a fan of carrots, and likes to humor his mother by posing for pictures with produce.

I told him to get a bowl to collect the carrots in, because it would be more decorative.


He listens well!

There are many ways to cook carrots incorrectly. I've had some awful carrots in restaurants. Haven't you?

This is another vegetable that I think really shines with simple preparation. Wash it well (it came from dirt, after all) and chop off the head, and slice into small, fairly uniform sized pieces. I like to pretend that I am a kitchen ninja while I chop vegetables. Try it sometime! It's fun, although it makes the kids question your sanity a little. I think that makes me a more effective parent, but I could be mistaken.

Place the carrot slices on a steamer insert tray, and sprinkle liberally with salt and conservatively with pepper. Unless you want to see a grown woman cry, do not overcook the carrots. They should have an al dente quality. You should need teeth to eat them. They should be firm but tender. (Insert your own joke there.) If there are people who need carrots mushy in your family, take everybody else's carrots out but his/hers and then keep continue steaming.

Please please please don't add butter to your steamed carrots, because 1) they don't need it and 2) I want you to live a few minutes longer. Save the butter for the mashed stuff. 

 Eat joyfully, and appreciate the subtle sweetness and good texture. It's better than you think!

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