Monday, January 28, 2013

Writing Playlist: Circle (1 of 4)

I like to have music on in the background while I'm writing. It helps me to tune out the dogs barking, the cats meowing, the gurgling of the fish tank and the grunting and groaning of the dishwasher/washer/dryer. The music has to fit the mood for me though or my brain stalls out like my old Ford Escort at long traffic lights.

The project I've been spending the most time recently is the YA novel with the working title "Circle". I started out with my generic writing playlist (it's named, uncreatively, writing a), copied and renamed "Circle". The Writing A playlist is filled with my favorite songs out of my iTunes library, everything from Abba to Yes (I have no Z's). I put it on random and start to write. As a song comes on that wrecks the mood or the feeling, I delete it from the "Circle" playlist, until I have a stable list that I've listened to for a few long sessions without changes. The Writing A playlist contains 101 songs. The Circle playlist has 24, which is about right.

Here are the first 6 (not in order of importance or anything like that):

1. Abraham's Daughter by Arcade Fire

2. Afer Ventus by Enya

3. All I Want is You by U2

4. All Over You by Live

5. And a God Descended by Dar Williams (Link is to MP3 on Amazon)

6. Babylon is Fallen by Marcille Wallis (Link is to MP3 on Amazon)

Coming soon: Songs 7-12 on the Circle playlist.

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