Friday, September 10, 2010

Croup and Other Mysteries of Life

Mr. Smarty Pants has contracted croup, of all things, throwing me for a complete loop yesterday.

I did not know that 7 year olds had that on the list of potential illnesses, and I thought I was pretty savvy. He is barking like a seal (or a puppy with a sore throat, as Mr. Smarty Pants said). Poor little darling.

I had a birthday this week. 32. Not so bitter about it as I was 30, but I didn't do any cartwheels on the front lawn. Maybe I will for 40 and surprise everyone. I was feeling a little sorry for myself though and I can admit it. My beloved geek couldn't get it together enough to get me any kind of gift or flowers and brought home a card in a paper bag after work to sign in his office. It's that which makes me feel sad and hurt- the lack of forethought and care. It's not as though the date changes. I don't need material things to know I'm loved on my birthday. Just a little forethought and care would do it nicely. It's not the first time this has happened, and it won't be the last. It always sucks though.

Things are going well in the garden, although I have quite a bit of work to do out there. I'll get there, once my poor croupy guy is feeling better.

Later I will post about the miracle of our new attic fan.

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